1. When using IR information
This website is intended to provide corporate information on the Company, and is not intended to be a solicitation to buy, sell or otherwise invest in the Company’s shares.
In addition, the Company does not provide any guarantee of the content.
When making investment decisions, investors are asked to do so at their own risk.
2. Information posted on the website
While due diligence is exercised when posting information on this website, no guarantee is made as to the accuracy, reliability or integrity of the information. In addition, the information posted on this website may be changed or abolished without prior notice, and the Company is not liable for any damage arising from such.
The Company is also not liable whatsoever for any damage, etc. arising in relation to acts of use, download, etc. of information or materials obtained from this website.
3. Future forecast
Forward-looking statements posted on this website are based on judgments obtained from information currently available to us, but they include risks and uncertainties. Therefore, please be aware that actual results may differ significantly from the described performance forecasts due to various factors such as the economic environment, market trends and exchange rate fluctuations. The information is disclosed through Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) and promptly posted on the Company's website.
4. About copyright
All rights to any part of this website belong to the Company or the rights holders so acknowledged by the Company. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, translation, distribution, performance or exhibition of these is strictly prohibited.