Analyst coverage

Analyst report

Name of company (in alphabetical order)Ichiyoshi Research InstituteSBI SecuritiesTachibana Securities
Analyst (titles omitted)Yoko MizoguchiShin TabataToshiyuki Shimokawa

Other reports

Name of company (in alphabetical order)General Incorporated Association Stock Research Center
Analyst (titles omitted)Keita Fujino

Cautionary Statement:

This list has been prepared based on the Group’s criteria pursuant to information obtained by the Group at the time of publication. Please be aware that there may be analysts covering the company who are not listed here and some information may not be up to date.

This list is made available for the main purpose of providing investors with information about the analysts analyzing and predicting the Group’s business performance and the organizations they belong to. Therefore, this information is not an intention to persuade the investors to purchase the Company's stocks.

The analysts on this list and the analysts those are not listed on this list analyze the Group’s business performance, services and businesses based on their own judgement and then predict business performance. In any and all of these processes, the Group or the Group’s senior management are not involved or in any kind of relationship whatsoever. In addition, the Group does not support nor recommend any of  the predictions, views, or recommendations posted by these analysts.

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