Basic Policy on Anti-Social Forces

GA technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “the Company”), following the Guidelines for Companies to Prevent Damages by Anti-social Forces” published by the Japanese government, has established this Basic Policy on Anti-social Forces. The Company declares it will put in place a system to achieve this basic policy as well as ensure the appropriateness and soundness of its business operations.

  1. The Company will block all relationships with anti-social forces including business relationships.

  2. The Company will reject any and all unreasonable demands from anti-social forces.

  3. The Company will respond to unreasonable demands from anti-social forces as an organization and take both civil and criminal legal action.

  4. The Company will establish close working relationships with outside professionals to prepare for unreasonable demands by anti-social forces.

  5. The Company will not provide funds to anti-social forces.

  6. The Company always be mindful on interventions from anti-social forces and ensure the safety of its employees.

  7. Officers and employees will comply with this basic policy and laws and will not interact with members of anti-social forces nor engage in any and all actions that may be construed as such.