ITANDI launches rental management system "Itangi Management Cloud"

May 15, 2023

Contribute to improving profitability and customer satisfaction based on data analysis by centrally managing rental management operations

On May 15, 2023, ITANDI, Inc., our group company, began offering the ITANGI Management Cloud,a system that supports the management of rental properties. This is a system that improves the management efficiency of settlement, property, tenant, landlord ,and repairment in the rental management business of real estate companies (hereinafter referred to as management companies).

◆ Features of “Itanji Management Cloud”

"Itanji Management Cloud" is based on the concept of improving profitability and customer satisfaction such as rental management owners based on data analysis. It is a new rental management system that makes it more efficient.
The strength of this service is its collaboration with ITANDI's existing service "ITANDI BB +", which has about 2,000 introduction management companies and about 51,000 brokerage companies (*1). It is possible to centrally manage communication and link data between related companies such as rent guarantee companies and those that carry out restoration work.
With the data linkage option function, it is possible not only to analyze and operate data, but also to provide rental rolls/income and expenditure reports for each building, closing rates/outsourcing costs summaries for each brokerage company, and occupancy rates that take into account the conditions specific to the management company. It is also possible to create reports such as management tables for restoration and repairs.
Data linkage with external systems is easy, and it is characterized by a design that assumes long-term use while responding to future changes.

(*1) As of the end of January 2023

◆ “Itanji Management Cloud” function

① 精算管理管理会社の管理業務のうち、入金消込業務、オーナー送金、未収金管理などの精算管理業務全般をサポートします。発行した契約書・書類を、電子帳簿保存法に対応するデータベースで統合管理、インボイス制度へも対応していきます。

② 物件管理物件に関する情報や空室状況など様々な情報の管理をサポートします。また、管理している情報を用いて契約書や請求書などの帳票作成時にそのまま反映可能です。

③ 入居者管理賃貸契約の更新・退去時に発生する更新通知・解約申請、電子契約、帳票作成がオンラインで完結します。マイページ機能やチャット機能で、管理会社と入居者のスムーズなやり取りもサポートします。

④ 家主管理管理委託契約を締結した家主の情報を保存・管理し、契約書をスムーズに作成できます。�⑤ 修繕管理入居者が退去した後の賃貸物件の修繕工事・原状回復工事において、工事の発注・工事工程や書類の管理をサポートします。

◆ Inquiries from real estate companies regarding this service

TEL: 03-6441-3954(土日祝日を除く10:00~18:00) 

◆ Overview of ITANDI BB +

 ITANDI BB +は、顧客管理から、物件検索/空室確認・内見予約・入居申込・賃貸借契約・更新退去・原状回復工事までを一気通貫でサポートし、精算管理・物件管理などの賃貸管理機能も有する、不動産賃貸業務のDXサービス群です。現在、約2,000社の不動産会社で導入、約51,000店舗の仲介店舗で利用されています。

�賃貸住宅の内見予約WEB 受付システム「内見予約くん」

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