Concluded a 2 billion yen loan agreement with MUFG Bank for system development investment

March 27, 2023

On March 24, Executive Officer, we announced that we had signed a loan agreement of 2 billion yen for system development investment with MUFG Director, Ltd. I will. We agreed to this loan on the terms of unsecured, unguaranteed, long-term (4 years and 8 months) due to the evaluation of our achievements in promoting DX in the real estate field and the impact it will have on the future industry. Thank you.

◆ Purpose and background of funding
Since its founding in 2013, our company has set the corporate philosophy of "Create a world-leading company excitement through technology and innovation." By developing and providing SaaS for real estate companies that contribute to overall DX promotion, we have promoted DX throughout the real estate industry, which has been called analog. As a result, we have earned a reputation for promoting DX in the analog industry, such as being the only company selected as a digital transformation stock for three consecutive years in the growth market. We have raised funds this time to further accelerate DX in the analog real estate industry, including the digitization of real estate transactions, which has been accelerating since the enforcement of the revised Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act last year.

◆ Financing overview

Contract date March 24, 2023
Loan amount 2 billion yen
loan period 4 years and 8 months
form of loan Term Loan with Feasibility Period
Use of loan System development investment funds for RENOSY marketplace business and ITANDI business
Lender MUFG Bank

◆ Comment from Yuichi Fujikawa Executive Officer and CFO GA technologies Co., Ltd.
We are very encouraged by MUFG Bank's evaluation of our real estate DX achievements and future prospects. We believe that this loan agreement for development investment will have great implications not only for our company's growth, but also for the growth of startups and the DX transformation of legacy industries. We will strive to make our case a good example of domestic funding.

◆ MUFG Bank Overview
Company name: MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Representative: Junichi Hanzawa, Director Executive Officer
Head office: 2-7-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Established: August 15, 1919 (Taisho 8)
Capital: 1,711.9 billion yen

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