For a bright future

Industry Specialized M&A Consulting & Matching Business 

spica consulting

For the M&A industry Operated by:Spica Consulting Co., Ltd.

Services we provide

  • Overview
  • Service features


Professional agents with a rich track record of closing deals along with their deep understanding of the industry and the plus-on of technology to provide M&A breakage consulting and matching services that are faster, more transparent, and more convenient than ever before.

Service features

  • Fully industry-specific M&A brokerage counseling

    We are the partner for business owners to walk the M&A process with them. The service we provide is with the highest level in the industry through a  completely industry-specific M&A consulting service.

  • Value up consulting

    We provide the service in the aim of helping corporations to upgrade their market values with in depth insights of each industry.

  • Visualizable of negotiation status

    The entire consulting and transaction process is visualizable through our in-house developed platform: Owner's room. 

  • Asset management support

    At RENOSY, which has the No. 1 sales record* for used condominium investment, and RENOSY BANK, an online bank, we provide extra investment options and support in real estate and financial products to owners after business transfer.